8 Reasons Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework

8 Reasons Why Laravel Development Is The Best PHP Framework

Needless is to say; the Php framework is the most preferred source among web developers, or simply web app developers. This (Laravel) is among the most prominent technologies meant for web app development. And, one of the foremost reasons behind this is the MVC architecture.

This is why Laravel has made it possible for web app developers to develop much superior and personalized web applications. It is one of the simplest frameworks as well, at the same time being significantly feature enriched. This is the reason that it manages to deliver flawlessly written syntax most simply, despite delivering high-end output.

Handy Features Of Laravel Framework Making It Preferred Among Business Groups

One can easily find various open-source frameworks for Php development. Some of these, like CodeIgniter, are quite popular. To be specific, CodeIgniter is touted as the prime competitor of Laravel. But, Laravel stays ahead in the competition. Various distinguishing aspects are making Laravel stand out. For example, it provides thorough client authentication, which CodeIgniter misses. Authorization is another aspect as well one might take into account. All these aspects make Laravel a much simpler option in comparison with CodeIgniter.

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The following features make Laravel a preferred option among businesses:

1. It Comes With 20 Distinct Libraries In-Store

Laravel provides a complete pack of more than 20 explicit libraries, which are classified into separate modules. One may claim that the libraries it contains make Laravel stand out. This is why Laravel turns things simpler for developers in terms of going with a modular way of developing high-end responsive applications without compromising user-friendly characteristics. It’s this modular approach that enables addressing a massive range of criticality in Laravel development service for businesses.

2. Distinguishing Artisan CLI

It’s the Artisan CLI that makes Laravel stand out. It’s the Artisan CLI that enables the developers to perform various critical tasks in a few minutes. At the same time, it is also useful in terms of the development of database structure and impeccably migration. Artisan lets developers develop their commands, thus making the development look much simpler.

3. Comes With The Facility Of Built-In Testing

App development certainly is not all about coding. Any kind of development is not all about coding. Testing holds equal significance as well. And, the best part about Laravel is that a developer can conduct numerous unit testing through it. The process cuts down the need to perform explicit testing for a thorough assessment of application performance.

4. Keeps In Thoroughly Upgraded Through Regular Updates

Laravel never shows misery in bringing updates. This is one of the prime reasons for making it such an ideal choice for the development of futuristic applications that would emerge up-to-the-minute solutions. Take the case of the Laravel 5.5 update. This update ensures the developers won’t have to go for setting up aliases to install fresh Laravel packages; the framework accomplishes this of its own.

5. Provides Incredible Scope Of Marketing

As discussed above, the Laravel framework is preferred because of its simplicity. Also, this simplicity is the reason that the development process is so fast using it. Now, as the development process gets faster, the concerned business gets more time to market the product. Specifically, it makes coding incredibly simpler through the likes of Blade Template.

Also Read: Laravel development services: Top reasons why you should choose Laravel

6. Simplistic Application Structure

Laravel application structure is quite simple and can be used straight away. Through the process, it provides a greater scope of initiating small and large-scale applications. This enables designers to enhance the application as per the investor’s wants. It’s the routing system of Laravel that lets developers select the route that an application would trigger.

7. The Complex Part Of Pagination Looks Simpler

Someone well versed with web development understands how challenging the pagination part is. But, Laravel certainly makes things look easier significantly. It allows designers to facilitate smart connectivity for the sites developed using HTML and the concerned page.

8. High-End Security

Laravel framework makes web applications highly secured considering that the passwords are not left within the system as something that can be got easily. It employs SQL articulations to minimize the chances of possible threats. It comes with varieties of security features, ranging from authentication to encryption.


The Laravel framework provides many significant advantages making it one of the popular choices among businesses. It’s fast, safe, and feature-enriched, thus all the way significant from a business perspective.

Mobio Solutions is a Laravel Development company that will guide you with strategic advice on the technology that fits best to your business solution. You can contact us for service from the best technocrat of the team.