9 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Developing A React Native App

9 Mistakes You Should Avoid While Developing A React Native App

Developing a React Native app is an incredibly exciting endeavor. The rise of mobile technology has made it possible for apps to be created with JavaScript, but it can also make development more difficult due to the many pitfalls that come along with this process. Here are some mistakes you should avoid while developing your React Native app.

Planning For Your App

When planning your app, it is important to keep in mind that you will be dealing with multiple platforms. The best practice is to think about what the components of your app should look like when used for both iOS and Android.

Development Environment

The development environment is one of the most important factors when it comes to developing an app. With React Native app development services, it is all too common for developers to neglect this step, which results in hours of wasted time trying to debug issues caused by a broken development environment.

The ideal development environment would be created using an IDE such as Atom or Visual Studio Code and have the proper Node.js and React Native packages installed. It is also imperative that you have a device plugged into your computer so you can test your app on mobile devices without having to run any code on the command line.

Native Code

Native code is a term used to describe software written in the programming language for which the app was built. It refers to compiled languages that are designed only for a single platform or device.  There are many advantages of native, but with great power comes great responsibility. While you can use React Native to write your app’s native code, doing so can be difficult and lead to some serious problems down the line. In order to avoid those issues, it’s important that you don’t develop your app in React Native if there isn’t a specific need for it. If you want to use React Native as your development language, make sure it is part of a more comprehensive solution that includes features like tests and debugging tools.

Also read: Top React Native App Development Tools For Mobile Developers

Performance Optimization

Your React Native application will perform better if you optimize it for performance. There are several approaches to improving your app’s performance:

– Reduce the number of images in your app

– Optimize your app for battery life

– Reduce the amount of JavaScript used in your apps

– Minimize network traffic, including reducing the number of HTTP requests and optimizing images

– Minimize processing time by using asynchronous code, such as Promises and Promises/Await functions

Debugging Your App

Debugging your app is always a difficult process. What should you do when you run into errors that require more than just a restart of the app? Some common mistakes are:

1) Not working on the simulator before launching your app to production

2) Building your app without dev tools

3) Not tested on different sizes of devices like iPhone X, Samsung S9, etc.

4) Not using code coverage or unit tests

5) Not setting up continuous integration and deployment

6) Building an app with no analytics

Handling Errors in a React Native App

One of the most common pitfalls in React Native is handling errors. While ReactJS handles errors for us, we need to be aware of the implications that this has on our app. The way to handle errors in a React Native app is by wrapping them into a function that can catch any error and return an object containing information about what went wrong.

Wrong Preparation for the Redux Store

First, you need to make sure your app is set up for Redux, a library that React Native uses for state management. If you are unfamiliar with Redux, it is a functional programming paradigm that helps developers manage data flow in their apps efficiently.

Secondly, it’s crucial to create an automation test suite and write tests of the store before you hit production. This will help catch issues that may arise with your app during its development process.

Also read: Why Do Finance Companies Choose React Native For Fintech App Development

No optimization of the Images

It is easy to fall into the trap of including a lot of images in your app, and while they may look good while developing, they can cause performance problems and slow down the loading time of your app. Opt for simplicity when it comes to your images and makes sure that each one is optimized for load times.

Not Following Tests

Tests are one of the most important parts of your app. They provide you with the assurance that your code will work on any platform, and they allow you to know when something has gone wrong. Since React Native is still in its infancy, many mistakes can be avoided by following tests.

One mistake to avoid: not following tests. It’s always a good idea to make sure that your app works as intended and doesn’t have any bugs that can cause problems in the future. It might seem tedious to write tests for your React Native app, but it will pay off in the long run.

Disregarding Project Structure

One of the most important things to consider when developing a React Native app is the project structure. If your project is not structured properly, then it can be difficult for others to work with and for you to maintain.

It’s important that your project’s folders are organized in a way that makes sense to you and other developers. One of the most common mistakes during development is creating an app without any sort of folder structure at all. This can result in a lot of confusion and wasted time down the road.

The importance of having a proper project structure cannot be stressed enough. It will make your life easier and save you time on maintenance.

Mobio Solutions is an enterprise mobile app development company that has technology specialists on board, who are talented and experienced in development using various technology platforms. We have expertise in iOS apps, Native Android app, and Cross-Platform app development.

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