ReactJS vs. AngularJS Key Differences

ReactJS vs AngularJS

ReactJS is useful for developing the UI components for developing User interface aspects with easy codes. It is a JavaScript library brought to the scene by Facebook. The Angular JS is a framework that is useful for developing intuitive web applications. It integrates HTML as the template language to brief the application components.

They both have certain differences that highlight their functionalities. In this article, you will know about some such important differences between these two attributes according to the research by our team at Mobio Solutions. You will also know which is considered the better version.

Features of ReactJS & AngularJS

Both are JavaScript attributes, but they both serve different feature implementations. Here are the detailed features that they offer:


  1. ReactJS allows the users to gain access to the third-party libraries.
  2. It is implemented for deriving better user experience aspects over the applications. Moreover, it also ensures fast performance and responsiveness.
  3. The development aspects with the use of ReactJS are intuitive and fast that saves you a lot of time and effort.
  4. ReactJS supports one-directional data binding that results in coding stability for better application development and feature integrations.
  5. The best part of ReactJS is that it gains complete assistance from Facebook.

Also Read: How to Make Progressive Web Application with ReactJS?


  1. The technology implemented with AngularJS is more consistent and modern.
  2. The coding aspects are more detailed to help develop more intuitive web applications.
  3. It uses Angular CLI for constantly updating the application features without much effort.
  4. AngularJS keeps the business logic or ideologies and the User Interface aspects different from one another that helps it come up with a better productive output.
  5. With AngularJS, the error handling process is more streamlined than others.
  6. Angular JS is also integrated with HTTP, Observables, and AJAX for better development works.

Also Read: What are the New Features in Angular 9?

Different Requirements Affects the Choice of Frameworks

Whether you choose to ReactJS or AngularJS, you need to do it based on your select requirements and needs. Here are some of the details to help you understand your needs to get help for choosing the right framework, whether ReactJS or AngularJs.

Choosing React JS

React JS framework is an effective choice when you are looking for an application that serves multiple events. Moreover, you need to proceed with this framework only when the developer team is proficient with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. In addition to that, if you have a personalized application requirement, then ReactJS development services can be your ideal mate for the process. With it, you can also create some shareable components within your application.

Choosing AngularJS

Just Like React JS, Angular JS is also preferred based upon the specific needs of the users. If you are willing to avail of higher productivity and ready solutions, AngularJS can help you effectively. If you have more feature requirements from your application, then AngularJS development services are better in all aspects. But you need to keep in mind that the developer team must have experience in handling C#, Java, and other Angular versions as well. The developed applications will be easy to navigate and use.

Key Differences Between React JS & AngularJS Framework

The details mentioned above gives a brief insight into the functionality differences of both the frameworks. But if you still want a clear vision of the differences between them, then here are the key differences to consider:

  1. React JS demands for packaging or pairing up with several programming libraries, whereas the Angular JS is a complete solution without any such requirement.
  2. AngularJS is not easy to implement for beginners, whereas React JS is easy to learn and understand/
  3. The set-up time is more with React JS than the Angular framework. The delivery time is less for React JS, while coding efforts take time with Angular JS framework.
  4. Different testing attributes with React JS requires diverse tools for the process. AngularJS can perform all the debugging and testing processes of the project using a single tool.
  5. AngularJS is written on TypeScript, whereas React Js is written on JavaScript.

These are some of the key differences that highlight the efficacy of both the frameworks for developing applications.

Also Read: Why React.js developments are trends for the year 2020?

Which Is Better? React JS or Angular JS?

Both are good in their select aspects, and it is difficult to pick one amongst the two. They are different instruments with different coding implementations that make it difficult for judging the best amongst them. You need to choose the right one for your application based on your diverse needs and requirements. Track the usability and functionality aspects of both React JS and Angular JS to help choose the ideal one.


These are a few of the details to bring your attention to the key differences between the two most common frameworks used for application development. If you are planning on building an application for your business or work operations, then spend time on research to tally your needs and requirements along with the efficacy of the frameworks. This will help you choose the ideal framework for your web or mobile applications.

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