Streamlining Solar Plant Analytics With Centralized Inverter Monitoring System
This System provides insightful data from inverter generated by solar plants, provided by different data providers.
How Does the Mahamuni Web App Serve as Your Gateway to Multilingual Traditional Books?
A portal where users can view traditional Books, its chapters, and its Verses on a single platform.
Streamlined ERP Solutions for Educational Institutions with Advanced Features
School Management System is one of the best ERP applications which is designed especially for maintaining all services related to school.
ED App Enhances Urban Living with Sustainable Subscription Services
The aim of this startup product is to help keep the daily essentials stock filled without any hassle.
Expanding Global Reach by Developing a Multilingual Blog Platform For Educational Innovations
It is a multiLingual Blog website where the users can read blogs in different languages on one platform.
Enhancing Customer Support With An AI-Powered Voice Bot
The voice bot helps the user to solve out queries where it’s stuck. As it records user interaction and solves the queries without involving any of humans to respond.