Top Web App Development Trends to Follow In 2021

Web App Development Trends

Web development arena has witnessed significant progress in modern times. Irrespective of the company size, staying updated with technology has become essential to be competitive. In this context, below are the best web development trends that one must follow to stay relevant in 2021.

Chatbots Enriched With Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots have been integral to web app development projects since at least the past couple of years. However, the trend in 2021 is going to be about chatbots enriched with Artificial Intelligence. Things are going to be more advanced through features like voice assistant and interactive interfaces.

Progressive Web Apps To Be More Significant With Growing Mobile Use

Progressive Web App is meant for providing an experience akin to apps upon utilising modern web resources. Considering the significant increase in smartphone users, PAW is certainly going to be the big thing in 2021. The best part is that PAWs provide the best parts of both phone and web applications in a single pack. In short, PAWs is like a website functioning very much as an application for smartphones. Apart from productivity, PAWs assure utmost safety, intuitiveness, and are non-reliant about connectivity.

Single Page Applications To Be More Relevant

SPAs are primarily web applications that do appear like one page. The significance of SPAs is that it provides a sleek and reliable experience for the users. It saves time for the users as here the entire pages are not going to be loaded. Apart from this, easy development, quick loading time, simplicity of debugging, scope to reuse back-end codes, etc., are some other features that make it such relevant.

WebAssembly To Make The Developer More Efficient

Wasm is meant for compiling the high-end languages and to develop top-notch applications. The prime reason making Wasm significant is that one can turn the codes into byte codes, which can be achieved using any coding language.

Also Read: Reasons to Choose ReactJS for Enterprise App Development

Motion UI For Animation

Motion UI is going to remain significant in 2021. Specifically, it is useful for the development of sites with high-end animation. Though it is still in inception state, a noteworthy growth in its use is very much expected in 2021. It means developers won’t have to rely on Javascript or others like Jquery for animation purpose.

3D Visuals To Be Preferred Among Start-Ups

Use of 3D visual will be significant in 2021 for driving significant customer attention and hooking them with the site. It is specifically going to help the small companies or start-ups those can’t afford virtual reality.

Accelerated Mobile Pages To Make Websites More Responsive

AMPs are the HTML copies of available web pages. Characteristics making these pages significant are their quick loading ability. Especially, this technology can enhance mobile web performance in an incredible fashion. With growing usage of smartphone for content access, AMPs are quite obvious to be on-trend. Naturally, the websites can be significantly responsive through this technology. Needless is to say how important responsive characteristic has become for mobiles ever since Google has emphasised ‘mobile-first’ indexing.

Voice Search To Be More Common

Voice Search is quite certain to be on trends in web development arena in 2021. Starting from Google Assistant to Siri, the technology has already become familiar among users. Rate of adaptation of the technology is quite sure to grow in forthcoming years. Most importantly, it is quite proven in terms of boosting businesses. According to Gartner, at least a 30 percent boost in digital revenue is quite sure for the websites with voice search, in the year 2021.

Most Websites Will Have A Dark Mode

Dark Mode is going to trend high in web development arena in 2021. Though it is already active, the year 2021 is going to keep it on top of demand. This mode can provide much contemporary appeal to a website. Moreover, websites on dark mode are expected to be enriched with colours pop. The best part about this mode is that it makes the key features of a website distinctly visible.

Also Read: Tips To Improve User Experience Of Your Website

Cybersecurity To Be Given Utmost Importance

With growing digitization, security threats are getting equally challenging as well. This makes cybersecurity extremely important. As the cyber-attacks and hacking threats are still growing, cybersecurity is obvious to remain on-trend in the web development arena in 2021.


So, all these technologies will remain in buzz in the web development arena in the year 2021. Enriched with these technicalities, developers are expected to deliver more powerful and feature-packed websites. At the same time, it can make websites growingly user-friendly and productive from monetization perspectives.

Mobio Solutions is a top Web App Development Company who will guide you with strategic advice on the technology that fits best to your business solution. Hire our web development services for your customers, we help enterprises to test and validate their business model by using Agile Development approaches.

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