7 Best Practices To Follow For React Native

7 Best Practices To Follow For React Native development service

It’s already been around 5 years since React Native has been released. Undoubtedly, its popularity has witnessed consistent growth ever since it has arrived. At present, estimation states that 8% of App Store applications are based on React Native. There are 38 Microsoft applications developed on React Native over iOS, as well as android.

Google Trends makes it evident that the popularity of React Native has grown faster in modern times than ever. In short, React Native already has prospects. Upon knowing the right ways of enhancing performance, one can certainly hope for making it big with React Native. React Native development service provides development capability to manage platforms like iOS and Android. In this context, recommended below are some of the best practices that one must follow while working on React Native.

       1. Optimize the Use of Memory

Many unwanted processes are running in the background in the case of Native apps. However, no need is to worry as one can very well figure these out upon using the Xcode. The best part about Xcode is that it identifies the leaks that one must fix to enhance performance. In Android Studio, one can find an Android device monitor meant for keeping the leaks monitored within the applications. One may make use of the scrolling lists like those of VirtualList to enhance the performance level. FlatList SectionList can be a good example as well.

Also read: Why React Native is the Best Choice for MVP Development?

       2. The Smaller Size of The Image

Images indeed consume extensive memory in the case of React Native apps. Using images of large size on React Native applications is sure to hurt memory optimization. To obtain the best outcomes while working with images, ensure that the size of the image is minimally possible. One may use the PNG format as well rather than using JPG images for the best result. Ultimately, the aim should be about converting to web-P for several reasons.

        1. First of all, WebP images enhance the loading time of the image by 28 percent.

        2. It can lower the size of the CodePush bundle up to 66 percent.

        3. It can be useful for reducing the binary size of iOS, as well as of Android, to around 25 percent.

        4. It helps reduce iOS and Android binary size by 25%

        5. It can make the navigator transitions smooth.

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       3. Image Caching

Caching the images locally to lower the time essential for loading images can be a great idea. At present, React Native app development allows caching explicitly for the iOS platform. Image caching certainly is a crucial step for enhancing React Native performance. Upon caching, the images can certainly load at a much faster pace.

There remains a possibility for the app owners to confront the library failure issues on those occasions when images preloaded are not introduced after refreshing the app. This technique is known as a cache miss. There also remains a chance of performance draining on those occasions upon cache logic works towards JS.

       4. Make Most of TypeScript

TypeScript certainly makes a great combination with React. Here, the advantage of using TypeScript is that one doesn’t need to depend upon ProTyes validation on React, which occurs on those occasions when the component is provided while running. On the other hand, TypeScript helps the user invalidating the flaws in the projects.  Additionally, one can set property type to simply reckon values that are there in the theme.

Also read: Native App vs Hybrid: Which One is Better For Mobile App Development?

       5. Handle the Resources for Static Images Brilliantly

It is suggested to handle the resources of static images in the right fashion. Otherwise, it is obvious for the application to take extraneous time to work along with static files on those occasions when it is not even essential. To integrate a static image, one must do it so that the image name is statically defined.

       6. Make Use of Styles Specific to The Platform

React Native brings in native API to write code in a platform-specific fashion. If there is no Platform API, the user may have to deal with various kinds of styles for various platforms, starting from Android to iOS. To have these styles thoroughly organized, one may make use of the Platform module. There is also the option of using the Platform. OS to spontaneously find the OS out and implement the best style then.

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       7. Remove Unwanted Features

Page loading getting slower is indeed a major concern. On such occasions, one needs to work on the app’s architecture. Firstly, one must consider eliminating the unwanted tabs, controls, navigations, etc., as these increase the page’s load time. Make sure that only the most useful things are displayed for the user. A whole range of unwanted features over the app simply increases the loading time. However, make sure that the UX is not compromised through the course of the elimination of app features. Make sure that the app design fits well with different devices.


All these practices discussed above are quite proven in terms of uplifting the performance of React Native. The best part, these practices can boost the app performance without affecting the UX or the functionality of the application.

Mobio Solutions, globally recognized as one of the leading React Native app development company. React Native development service is based on JavaScript, the advantage of all the advancements of the strong open-source ecosystem is always available. Hire React Native developers from us and leverage competitive advantage and knowledge insights for strategic business growth at the most suitable engagement model.

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