App Type

App Type

Online Food Delivery



React Native



IOS and Android





Business patterns and economics are changing drastically with time. Before a few decades, people used to have food at home and went out for movies. In last few years, the pattern was reversed as people preferred watching movies at home and went out for food. As twenty first century’s worst pandemic sets in, the trend is to watch movies on the go and have choicest food at home.

Food delivery is one of the most growing businesses of recent time. Grabbing your favorite food in the comfort of home is now an unbeatable proposition. As per statistics 60% of US consumers order food online at least twice a week. 60% restaurants also agree that online ordering has been a growth engine times to come. Food delivery business has several elements other than food itself. This includes how seamless is the ordering system and end-to-end time taken from initiating ordering to final receipt of food delivery.

Key Features of Project/Solution

  • Mobile application with load-free browsing of different food items and restaurants-
  • Animated notifications that keeps the customer engrossed and updated.
  • Secured and seamless payment interface creating a relationship of trust.
  • 360-degree controlled ordering process with fabulous UI/UX requiring minimum clicks and minimum time consumed to finish ordering.
  • Live order tracking, delivery and self pickup options
  • GPS Radius based restaurant listing
  • Quick notifications of ordering and easy one touch confirmation
  • In-app login for delivery boys to check status on the go.
  • GPS configuration, which guides the exact path and estimated time to the food joint and the client destination making the job more predictable.
  • Assigning delivery task to alternate person when the nearest person is unavailable.

Supercharge your restaurant business with food delivery application

Business challenges

In today’s technology world, food lovers would like to order food from an app and deliver it at their doorstep. Also, there are very few food delivery apps available. Hence, there was tremendous potential for a new player in this multi-billion revenue market. However, to compete with an established player is a huge challenge.

On studying in depth we found some of the factors that led people to be loyal to a food app. Delivery time and method was vital as people wanted to get food fresh, as soon as possible. This is because, while ordering they have already started having food on the mind. A late delivery can ruin future business from the client. Slightly late delivery could ruin the freshness and taste to a marginal extent, but, that small extent is very important for the taste of the food.

It was a biggest challenge to create a mobile application and website that was flawless, had a fantastic design interface and consumes minimum time.

Our Solution

Mobio team followed a detailed discovery process which involved a face to face interaction with different stakeholders and 360 degree analysis of all dimensions. A product wireframe was prepared based on the needs of the product. Mobio Solutions team brainstormed the various ideas of design which involved varied color combinations, layouts, design elements and clicking points. The competitor analysis of top three players in the business was also a critical part of the development process.

The team of executives came up with the prototype of the final product for the perusal of the client and its selective stakeholders. Discussions and arguments on various aspects of the in-process final solution played a vital role in evolving the end product that could be offered to business clients.

Finally a product that allows millennial professionals to easily order food regardless of location and also to ensure that their maximum time is saved and making the entire order processing as easy as 1-2-3 was delivered. It was objectively tested that all the objectives of the client that were listed before commencing the development of the product were met thoroughly. A complete ready-to-use solution free of all bugs and weaker elements was delivered to the client for business use.


A happy customer is the biggest reward that surpasses all the other rewards for the design and development team. However, enhanced business and joyful end-users can only make the customer happy. Mobio Solutions is glad to announce that the food delivery solution not only made the customer happy but, they were indeed cheerful.

The mobile application(s) drastically reduced the ordering time and surged the success rate of orders. Survey results revealed that clients started ordering food more confidently using the mobile solution provided by Mobio Solutions. News spread fast in this connected world – clients in turn became opinion leaders for the product that further leveraged the product usage and transactions.

The web portal also made operations well-defined, smoother and error free. It played a role in improving the relations of food suppliers with the company.

As per client endorsement, the solution benefited them on some specific criteria over the first few months of implementation. The most interesting and encouraging growth was noted in increase in number of customers ordering food and increase in food suppliers listing with the company. The attention paid on less time consumed and easy interface, helped increase in number of deliveries per day per delivery boy. There was also a small rise in per user average billing. The success of project was also the success of Mobio Solutions custom processes and its team philosophies.

App Screenshots

Here are the screenshots of Quake Food app developed by our highly experienced developers!

Technology Stack

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop application for Android and iOS both. React Native is ahead of all the other available options because it provides a single common development environment across both platforms.

React Native

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