How to Configure your App for iOS 13 Dark Mode?

App for iOS

Apple launched iOS 13 updates on September 19. iOS 13 dark mode One of the biggest and Latest features of this update. it is a task for iOS Application developers to prepare an app for iOS 13 dark mode.

Dark Mode introduces a dramatic new look for iPhone. It’s thoughtfully designed to make every element on the screen easier on your eyes and is seamlessly integrated throughout the system. And it’s simple to turn on from Control Center or set to automatically turn on at night.

Below steps showing how developers can update an existing iOS app for iOS 13 dark mode.

  • It is not hard to implement iOS 13 dark mode in existing or New Application.
  • it is easy to enable iOS 13 dark mode on your existing applications

1. Let’s ready to change colors  with iOS 13 dark mode:

iOS 13 Provide Functionalities of more new system colors there added in iOS UIColor, Example, label color, UIView color.

  • label.color = UIColor.secondaryLabel
  • view.color  = UIColor.secondaryView

2. Images For iOS 13 Dark Mode:

Most of the images look beautiful in iOS 13 dark mode. However, you may still be searching some images which looking unsuitable for iOS 13 dark mode. 

You can set images for iOS 13 dark mode in the same way as a label is set.

3. Programmatically Changes in iOS 13 Dark Mode

The developer can make changes in appearance programmatically in Latest iOS 13 dark mode. Here is an example

override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) 
    let userInterfaceStyle = traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle // .unspecified, .light, or .dark

4. Overriding the User Interface Style.

  • All Screen

If you are work on your applications iOS 13 Dark Mode want to keep your application in a single style light or dark, you can just by including the UIUserInterfaceStyle key (value = Light or Dark) in your applications Info.plist file.

  • Specific Screen

Latest version iOS 13, you can now override the user UIUserInterfaceStyle on specific UIviewControllers. For example, you may want only one UIviewController to be in iOS 13 dark mode, while your applications in light mode.

// Inside a UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad() 
    overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark // .light

The latest version iOS 13 dark mode takes with it a unique way to use an iPhone. Perhaps we will see a future where iOS 13 dark mode replaces the default mode with the white color backgrounds.