How an Optimized UI/UX can change the perspective of a business?

How an Optimized UIUX can change the perspective of a business

It takes hardly five to ten seconds for a visitor to leave the site. Statistics claim that around 30 percent of people opt for uninstalling a mobile application only within a matter of a minutes or hours. One of the prime reasons behind such undesired outcomes is the poor UI/UX design of the concerned platform. In this modern era where it’s almost obligatory for business groups to get digitized, this aspect can never be ignored.

Boosts ROI by Improving Customer Satisfaction Rate

Business success is directly proportional to customer satisfaction. And, User Interface has a direct relation with the customer experience with the site. It plays the most crucial role in hooking a visitor with a specific site. Only when the user interface is satisfactory enough, the concerned user thinks of exploring different sections of the site. More the time a user spends on a site, greater becomes the scope of thinking and decision making regarding a product or service. Obviously, thus the possibility of ROI becomes higher.

Quality UI/UX Matters A Lot in Brand Building

Business is all about impression. No one cares how authentic you are or how good is your past record; the opportunity is gone once the initial impression is damaged. It is here to note that around 80% of users decide whether to buy or not based on visual appeal. In this context, it is crucial for a business owner to enhance the UI/UX of a site. It matters the most for the start-ups and SMEs trying to create some impact among the visitors and build brand value.

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Optimized UI/UX Enhances Traffic Inflow

Any digital venture can be simplified if the whole aim remains about driving traffic. In this world of technological competitiveness, a user gets numerous options to explore for every single niche. Unless a site fails to impress the visitor at first glance, it almost turns impossible to get him back afterwards. This is where UI/UX comes handy.

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A flawlessly designed site or developed application with impeccable UI/UX puts that immediate, irresistible impact in the mind of the visitor that makes him/her explore more about the site. More the amount of time one spends on a site; greater becomes the chances for the visitor to turn in to buying customers. Most importantly, it keeps strengthening the brand value of the concerned online platform throughout the course.

Key Figures Depicting Proven Role Of UI/UX Optimization

There are enough statistics available to claim the importance of UI/UX design and development for businesses. Reports claim global user experience can boost conversion four times. Responsive websites made optimized for smartphone platforms witness 74% come back rate. The investment amount of worth one dollar can generate up to a hundred dollars.

On a concluding note, UI and UX play a significant role in establishing a business. Starting from start-up, small and medium scale enterprises, to corporate groups, an optimized user interface can do wonders for business groups of all scales.

Mobio Solutions is a Business technology Solutions company who will guide you with strategic advice on the technology that fits best to your business solution. You can contact and get a 1-week free consultation service from the best technocrat of the team. Hire UI/UX design and development team from Mobio Solutions and ask them to surprise you with delightful UI/UX designs.